Alex Khizhniak and Carlo Gutierrez

Alex Khizhniak is Director of Technical Content Strategy at Altoros and a cofounder of Belarus Java User Group. Managing distributed teams since 2004, he has gained experience as a journalist, an editor-in-chief, a technical writer, a technology evangelist, a project manager, and a product owner. Alex is obsessed with AI/ML, data science, data integration, ETL/DWH, data quality, databases (SQL/NoSQL), big data, IoT, and BI. The articles and industry reports he created or helped to publish reached out to 3,000,000+ tech-savvy readers. Some of the pieces were covered on TechRepublic, ebizQ, NetworkWorld,, etc. Find him on Twitter at @alxkh.

A List of 30+ Apache Kafka Performance Benchmarks (2020–2023)

Explore evaluations of Kafka’s performance on various cloud platforms, as well as benchmarks against other messaging tools.

1 year ago

A Collection of 20+ MQTT Broker Performance Benchmarks (2020–2023)

What are the latencies and throughput of Mosquitto, VerneMQ, EMQX, NanoMQ, HiveMQ, RabbitMQ, FlashMQ, ActiveMQ, etc.?

2 years ago

Alternatives to Google Cloud IoT Core—Where to Migrate?

Google will sunset its IoT Core on August 16, 2023. Some of the edge devices may become unavailable, experts say.

2 years ago

What Can We Learn from Stanford Hospital’s Use of IoT and Data?

By investing $2B in innovations, the medical institution is creating a smart hospital—still, facing technological issues on this journey.

2 years ago

The Challenges of Implementing Data-Driven Personalized Healthcare

While innovation and EHRs enable more patient-centric care, ensuring interoperability and providing in-home care can be tricky.

2 years ago